Hello, my name is
Ankush Katiyar
And I'm a B.Tech CSE student with specialization in CLoud Computing and virtualisation and I am also a
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About me

I'm Ankush Katiyar and I'm a

Friendly and approachable individual, enthusiastic in creating positive and welcoming first impressions. Effectively understand thee concerns of others and practice the “listen-first” policy. Recognized for defusing tense situations and anticipating other’s needs before expression namaste and for creative ideas. Seeking challenging role in an organization, where I can learn new things and gain experience with utilizing my previous experience and problemsolving skill to analyze business needs and translate them into executable strategies for the firm.

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My services

Web Design

I am web designer with projects working on Upes CSA website frontend and Forr UI I have experience in FIgma

Event Management

Had hosted and given many event ideas in college and was part of many chapters as event member, expercience of 3 years.

Apps Design

I am a app developer with knowledge of flutter and woorking on few projects.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

Strong point in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, also a bike rider, php, have good communications skills, languages known are hindi, English, few awards in writing competitions.

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HTML 90%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 80%
Data Structures 65%
Java 70%

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Get in Touch

Want to have live conversation? send me message here!!

Ankush Katiyar
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
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